November 2009

November 6 – 8, 2009
Quartz Mountain State Park, Lake Altus

Altus rappelling was lotsa Fun! The cooks did wonders with the food. A local rancher offered for Troop 80 to camp at his ranch next year, he owns the mountain and fifteen hundred acres behind the lodge, and around the park. The weather was great and we had no injuries. Thanks to all that helped and special thanks to Jim Thompson and Steve Flipowitz for setting up the rappelling.

No Pictures

Attendance: 18 out of 43 active Scouts – 43%, 10 adults — more detail on a later date
No patrol had 100% attendance.

Squad A: no leader
Squad B: Tony Burt
Squad C: no leader
Squad D: Walter Wolfram
2 out of 8 Patrol Leaders attended
2 out of 2 ASPLs attended

Webelo Attendance:
Pack 1: Chandler Amason, Rodney Amason (Dad)
Pack 80: Marshall Turner, Hunter Turner, Jeremiah Scaggs, Jordan Tucker, Paul Tucker (Dad)

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