- TO provide a character-building program committed to excellence in an outstanding environment.
- TO provide active, well-disciplined scouting programs to the largest number of boys consistent with the available men and facilities.
- TO maintain a uniformed body of scouts in accordance with the rules of the Boy Scouts of America.
- TO provide a religious foundation consistent with the Twelfth Scout Law.
- TO provide an environment where all members are protected from any form of mental or physical harassment either at meetings or on camp outs.
- Troop 80 feels strongly that the Troop is for the boys. The Troop is intentionally designed to run on the leadership of the boys. In this way, a boy can learn the value and responsibility of leadership, a hallmark of the American scouting program. The top scout leader is the Senior Patrol Leader.
- While the Troop is larger than many other Troops in the Texas Panhandle, each boy is active in a subdivision of the Troop called a Patrol. A patrol is made up of 6 to 10 boys the same age and about the same rank level. The patrol stays together once it is formed, advancing and growing together. Each new boy patrol has a Troop Guide, and each older patrol has a Patrol Leader, who has himself a scout who has attained the Star Rank. Also, each patrol has an Assistant Scoutmaster assigned to it, who is an adult volunteer. Each patrol is grouped together with one or two other patrols to form a Squad. Each squad has a letter designation. Frequently, there will be competitions among the patrols on such things as knot tying, fire building or tent pitching.
- Older boys may participate in the Venture Program. The scouts must be at least 15 years old and have attained the Life Rank to be invited to participate in this program. Venture Scouts are grouped in a Crew consisting of 6 to 10 scouts, with adult leaders assigned to assist them. The Venture Scouts enjoy shooting, scuba diving, rock climbing and mountain biking activities, in addition to the other activities of the Troop.
The organizational structure of Troop 80 allows a boy to enjoy the benefits only a large Troop can offer while keeping his day to day activities at the smaller patrol or crew level. During most Troop activities, the ratio of boys to men is 3:1. On a typical campout there may be 30 to 40 boys attending with at least 10 adult leaders also in attendance. |
§ 2 Role of Assistant Scoutmaster
§ 5 Competition
Focus. The focus of the program is the boy. Safety, security and predictability are paramount. The Troop is not subservient to the scouts nor does it let scouts determine Troop policy. However, all program is structured to help scouts achieve the goals of scouting as determined by national and Troop policy. Success is part of the program, because success is necessary for self-esteem. Adversity and failure are also part of the program because in dealing with these issues a scout becomes a better man. How these factors are balanced is a delicate process in some instances. But the ultimate goal is to expose each scout to the right mixture of these and other challenges so that in the end he is a better man. Another factor which is essential to the Troop programs is the uncompromising and unrelenting pursuit of excellence by the Troop, its patrols, the scouts, and the adult leaders. This pursuit sets Troop 80 apart in this area from many other Troops and personnel. Adults who do not believe in achievement of excellence will have a difficult time in Troop 80. However, the duty is to boys, to teach the correct approach to problems of life, and to this end the Troop is dedicated.
Goals. The Scoutmaster, in conjunction with the Assistant Scoutmasters and the Committee, is primarily responsible for the establishment of long range program goals consistent with national and local BSA policies and rules. Specific programs, training and events necessary to achieve those goals are determined by the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters. The Head Assistant Scoutmaster is responsible for planning the specific programs for the monthly camps.
Advancement. The Tuesday night program is focused on scouts skills and advancement through First Class Rank. The skills are put to use on the monthly campouts. It is also essential for advancement to the First Class Rank that scouts attend the monthly campouts. The goal of the weekly program is to advance each scout to First Class Rank in one year, with a further goal of each scout achieving the Eagle Rank.
Eagle Rank. Troop 80 has had over 275 Eagle Scouts in its 50 year history. The national average of boys achieving Eagle used to be 2%, but has risen to 4-5% in recent years. From its inception, Troop 80 has an Eagle Rank percentage of over 13%, many times the national average. Also, since 1980, the average age of our Eagle Scouts has been 16 years old. Troop 80 does not adhere to paperwork or quick fix Eagles. Our Eagle Scouts have been in the program for years and have become trained as good citizens and men of integrity, of which the Troop, the community, and their parents can be proud.
(e) Meeting Night. Troop 80 meets every Tuesday at the Jack Bryant Scout Center, 1615 Bellaire, Amarillo, Texas from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Boys must be 11 years old to join, or have finished the Arrow of Light Rank as a Webelo. Visitors are always welcome. Webelo dens may visit any meeting night and do not have to have a reservation.
§ 2 Role of the Assistant Scoutmaster
In order to supervise Troop meeting night program, it is necessary that the Assistant Scoutmaster be prepared (to borrow an old line). For a meeting this consists of knowing the program, reading the agenda book, calling scout officers, and making sure that all physical arrangements are covered. For a camp, this consists of knowing what skill or event that the scouts need to be taught and knowing what the general program on the camp will be. Personal skills necessary to teach or judge are mastered by adult leaders and they are responsible for putting together necessary materials for program. The Troop attempts at all times to have coordination with parents, scouts, and adult and scout leaders. After execution of a program is done, it is followed by evaluation of the scouts’ performance, along with the performance of adult leaders. Preparation in advance is essential to the smooth functioning of the program. The scouts’ activities are supervised closely by adult leaders at all times.
§ 3 Swimming and Aquatics
(a) The swimming program in Troop 80 constitutes a little over 20% of the total Tuesday night program. It is the single most significant program item that we do in terms of time during the entire year. Of course, swimming is also used as entertainment and diversion and is a break from the other parts of the skills program. The swimming program consists of the swimming of laps of various strokes in order to give the kids practice in the free style, breast stroke, side stroke, and elementary backstroke. Each month a race is also held in which each patrol races one of its representatives. The rest of the program consists of individualized instruction, water polo games between the patrols, and sometimes a water polo game in which anybody can play. During the later part of the swimming session, free time is given to all scouts who are not in an instruction class.
(b) Each Assistant Scoutmaster should be prepared on a Tuesday night to observe the swimming of the laps to see which of their scouts cannot swim very well. After the initial race is held, the Assistant Scoutmaster should take his squad into an area of the shallow end and work with each boy on various strokes which each scout is expected to know. Instructions should be given on proper breathing techniques, and arm and leg strokes. Older scouts are utilized in assisting in the teaching of the various swimming skills. One of the goals of the Troop is to have each scout a strong swimmer. While style is important for ability to swim well, strength and endurance is more important for our program. It is the job of the Assistant Scoutmaster to see to it that each of his scouts passes the swimming requirements for Second Class Rank and First Class Rank.
(c) Two annual water sports competitions were instituted in 1987. A single elimination water polo tournament is held each year. Two or three games are played each swim night, with each patrol constituting a team. A patrol will play basically every other month. The schedule will be announced by the Head Assistant Scoutmaster or the Scoutmaster. The finals will be usually held on the May swim night. Each patrol that wins scores points in the outstanding patrol competition for each game. The overall champions also score additional points.
(d) Additionally, in November of each year on swim night, there is a Troop wide swim meet. No laps or instructions will be given this night. Before the swimming starts, a listing of all events will be handed out to the patrols. Assistant Scoutmasters will assist the patrols in assigning scouts to the various events. Individual winners will receive trophies. The overall winning patrol, and the relay winner will have their names placed on permanent trophies. Points for the outstanding patrol competition are also awarded, based on competition results.
the results of the 2005 Swim Meet.
(e) In addition to swimming, the Troop also offers the other aquatics skills and advancement as part of its program. Swimming requirements for Second and First Class ranks, Swimming Merit Badge, and Lifesaving Merit Badge are offered on each swim night. The Assistant Scoutmaster is primarily responsible for instructing the scout or seeing to it that each scout desiring such advancement meets with a counselor at the swim night meeting.
(f) The swimming and aquatics program of Troop 80 is designed to train young men to become proficient swimmers and to learn basic safety and rescue techniques to use on the water front. The program also allows a scout to acquire basic boating skills. Each scout should be able to protect himself, as well as others, while on, in, or near the water. Finally, the water sports program is designed to be fun for both the scouts and the adults.
- Troop 80 works on many camping skills during its regular Tuesday night meetings. One of the projects in 2005 was lashing a suspension bridge.
- Troop 80 held its annual Skills Night and Parents Night in April of 2005.
- Troop 80 teaches scouts about how to make rope and do lashings.
§ 5 Competition
Everything in the troop is done in the atmosphere of competition. This is done to place a constant, positive pressure on the scout. No penalty is assessed for failure. Rewards are given for success. Scouts are thus exposed to situations which may help them better cope with real life once they are on their own. This is especially so in the context of failure. A scout’s tenure in the troop is long enough that the scout can make a comeback and succeed, even if he has experienced a temporary set back.
Competitions include:
Outstanding Patrol Competition
Skill Patrol — trophy awarded at Christmas banquet to patrol that wins the most skills competitions.
The following is a regular Tuesday night meeting.
7:00 p.m.
Meeting begins with opening and Pledge of Allegiance. Scouts and adult leaders should be present before 7:00 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
Scoutmaster makes announcements.
7:10 p.m.
Patrol corners. Scribe will hand out attendance forms. Patrols review briefly
program for the night. Patrol Leaders send patrol Quartermasters to Troop Quartermaster for patrol equipment. Scouts turn in completed Merit Badge forms and scout handbooks with completed rank advancements signed off to prepare for rank boards of review.
7:20 p.m.
First session. Patrol Leaders begin teaching. Advancement turned in to Advancement Committee. Arrange for boards of review. Conduct Scoutmaster’s Conferences.
8:00 p.m.
8:10 p.m.
Second session. Same format as first session. At conclusion, Assistant Scoutmasters talk to Patrol Leaders about next week’s meeting – phone calls, equipment, reading agendas.
8:45 p.m. Closing ceremony. Award competition ribbons and beads. Award rank patches.
Recognize new members. Scoutmaster makes any announcements.
9:00 p.m.
Meeting ends. Service patrols for month clean up building. Everyone else goes home.