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***** TROOP 80 BSA ******* APRIL 1999 *****
Here are the birthdays for the month of March with their dates:
Miles Holton 1, Steve Filipowicz 1, Debbie Reynolds 1, Eddie Murphy 2, Scott Thurman 4, Michael Kirstine 5, Erick Emerine 5, Nicholas Emerine 5, Jeffery Gunn 9, David Cassidy 12, Jeffery Smith 17, David Solis 17, Fred Poppe 18, John Banks 18, John Filipowicz 18, Dudley Moore 19, Chas Binkley 19, Jack Nicholson 22, Grant Snell 24, Huntley Almond 27, Kyle Lynch 30, Willie Nelson 30
The troop will go over the pass as it’s “Summer Camp” in July of 2000. Time to start planning to attend this once every 6 year event. JB has agreed to do the menus again, which worked great last time. We will most likely go over Hunchback Pass, at over 12,500 feet and is on the Continental divide. The trip will also include some free time in Durango, Colorado and a ride on the Silverton/Durango train.
The equipment ASM’s toil in the dungeons that we call the “Equipment Shed” and seldom see the light of day. Without their efforts, we could show up to a camp without enough tents or even a kitchen. Bruce Naylor, Dennis Eaves, and Michael Kiefer have faithfully loaded up for camps over the last several years and they have added Joel Finley to their ranks. These guys do an important, but sometimes overlooked job. Both Drew and Nick Skipworth fill in where needed. We thank all these men for their efforts even though we do occasionally miss a coffee pot, dish soap, or other essential on a camp now and then. FMW
Several of our current and past scouts were inducted into the AHS Chapter of the National Honor Society recently. These scouts included John Filipowicz, Brad Eck, Grant Snell, Dane Stallcup, and John Steed. The current president of the AHS Chapter of the NHS is Brad Eck. Some of these scouts are still active in the 80 Venture climbing program. Michael Slade was named to the Senior All-State basketball team in the Nazarene Church League and will compete in Oklahoma City on April 15 thru 18.
Archeology anyone? Dr. Jeff Indeck has agreed to council the Archeology MB. He works at the Panhandle Plains Museum in Canyon and may be reached at 651-2259 or jeff.indeck@wtamu.edu. He will also council Indian Lore, Geology, and American Cultures merit badges.
The place is called Midnight Canyon, and we’re just over the mountain from Red River, New Mexico. The dates are July 17 thru 24 and the cost is just $75.00 dollars. To go, you must have attended 50% of the camps and meetings, have earned a rank or 5 merit badges since last year, and new scouts must be at least Tenderfoot. You can earn the World Conservation award while at camp. On the way home, we’ll tour “Old Town” Albuquerque, visit the REI store, eat dinner at Furr’s. Our Eagle Scouts are always welcome to attend any camp.
The Father/Son float trip will be June 4 thru 6 and the cost is $45.00 dollars. Kind of expensive for a weekend camp, but this includes a rafting experience down the Arkansas river in Colorado near the Royal Gorge. Start saving your nickels now.
The father/son team of Paul and Gregory Henning both earned their “Black Belts” in Tae Kwan Do. They started training at the YMCA in 1996 and completed their training in February 1999 at the YMCA in Plainview under their Senior Instructor; Mr. Marshall Flores. If your interested in more about the Martial Arts, contact the YMCA at 374-4651.
Our Venture program has some new “required” helmets and two new climbing (dynamic) ropes all thanks to 80, Inc. A new program called “Climb on Safely” is required for use of repelling equipment and our Council is offering it on April 16 - 17. So sign up at the scout office at 358-6500.
Brandon Wolfram was named to the Second Team All Western Athletic Conference basketball team from UTEP. Bryan Savage is attending Bible School in Mississippi. Steve Banks is in his second year at Dental School. Justin Smiley was nominated as a “Blue Blazer” at Amarillo College.
Newt Riggs, Committee Chairman in the early 60's recently passed away. His son, Joe Riggs, is an Eagle Scout in Troop 80 and currently lives in Albuquerque. Our condolences are extended to his family.
The election of new members to the OA is set for April 13. Membership is limited to scouts with First Class, 15 days of camping, and the SM’s permission. Ballots will be provided and you can vote for as many (or all) the scouts on the list. It is a privilege to be elected to the BSA’s Honor Camping Fraternity.
Totals as of 3/25/1999
B1 Apache 7207
B2 Mohican 6931
D3 Maya 6496
D2 Erie 6178
A1 Crow 5470
C3 Arapaho 4826
A3 Cree 4145
C2 Mohawk 3571
A2 Aztec 2980
C1 Comanche 2140
E1 Ute 3025
F1 Navaho 2650
E2 Wichita 1475
Arapaho 133
Crow 112
Mohican 93
Erie 85
Mohawk 79
Maya 49
Apache 42
Aztec 10
Cree 10
Comanche 0
Keep up the good work. One third of your sales goes directly into your account with the Troop to pay for camps and you can still earn great prizes. Orders are due on Monday, April 19th and the popcorn will arrive about May 12th Prizes awarded last year included knives and flash lights. Troop 80 is the only unit selling at this time so it should be pretty easy to sell door-to-door and pay for all your camps.
New exhibits courtesy of the Thompson brothers are now on display. Some really old stuff, including cigarette cards with scouting themes on them. The new mug display should be completed soon and an Eagle display will be added.
The troop will be holding a special merit badge day on May 8th. For those wanting a little more, you will be able to spend the night at the building on the Friday before and go bowling, play games, watch movies and then eat breakfast. Cost will be $10.00 for those that want to spend the night.
Both Wilderness and Advancement camps require that you have a current physical on file with the troop or you won’t be allowed to attend. You can find out if you need a new one by contacting Matt Hite. New scouts need to turn one in before the next campout.
You can earn at least 5 merit badges and have fun at the same time by attending Council Advancement Camp. The dates are June 20 - 26 at Camp Don and the cost is $110.00. Sign-up has started.
New this year are two High Adventure programs for second year campers. ZCOPE is a program where you actually camp at the COPE course the whole week while training. For the more adventurous types, there is CRW (Canadian River Wranglers) where you do an old west type cattle round-up on horseback the whole week near Boys Ranch. Space is limited on both programs, so contact Matt Hite for more details.
Jared Slaughter spent his spring break down in Juarez, Mexico. His church group working with a program called “Casas por Cristo” built a home for a poor family. Work all day, sleep on a floor with no showers for the week, and less than gourmet foods. It sounds just like a Troop 80 campout. How did you spend your spring break?
Check out the Troop 80 home WEB page at http://members.tripod.com/Troop80. Your patrol can earn points by adding a WEB-site linked to the Troop’s page.. Ask how at the next meeting.
In conjunction with our “Fred Poppe” museum, Walter Wolfram is looking for scouting books to add to the new “John Banks” library. Old handbooks, boys life magazines, and camping books would be great. We will be adding some locking type shelves to display the library in soon. Look through your old boxes around the house and see what you might want to donate. Donations are Tax deductible!!!!!
You can earn a Palm for every 5 merit badges over the ones you earned for your Eagle. Chris Altsman and John Filipowicz have earned Palms and Michael Slade has earned 5 Palms. Chase Tillery has just completed his requirements for Eagle and we have at least 3 more that are very close to beating the April first deadline. The next Court of Honor is May 11th at 7:30 pm.
OA Election April 13
Sneed Ranch April 23 - 25
Swim Night April 27
Troop “Lock-in” May 7 - 8
Court of Honor May 11
Memorial Day May 31
F/S rafting trip June 4 - 6
Advancement camp June 20 - 26
Wilderness camp July 17 - 24
OA Ordeal at MK August 20 - 21
Philmont Weekend Sept 10 - 12
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