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***** TROOP 80 BSA ******* MARCH 1999 *****
Here are the birthdays for the month of March with their dates:
Ron Howard 1, Dr. Seuss 2, Jonathan Musser 4, Denton Ball 6, Chris Coffee 6, Adam Beahm 6, Stewart Wilcox 6, Kyle Watson 12, Billy Crystal 14, George Abrahamson 16, Kurt Russell 17, Nick Noel 18, Chris Wingate 20, Daniel Wetzel 21, Nick Skipworth 23, Jim Thompson 25, Elton John 25, Dustin Mitchell 26, Brad Knapp 27, Jared Slaughter 27, Tyler Adams 29
Believe it or not, next year the troop will go over the pass again. Time to start planning to attend this once every 6 year event. JB has agreed to do the menus again, which worked great last time. We will most likely go over Hunchback Pass, at over 12,500 feet and is on the Continental divide. The trip will also include some free time in Durango, Colorado and a ride on the mountain train.
The Money Changers
Paul Kiefer, Randy Reed, and Eric Alexander spend many hours collecting money and making disbursements to keep troop operations going. They are not always the most popular people since they have to collect the money and remind folks of outstanding dues. However, without their help, the program would grind to a halt. Drew Skipworth then takes the numbers and crunches them into a monthly statement to the committee. Of course, everything we do is always clear and there are never any questions as to who paid for what and which account is which from last month. Next month we’ll find out about our equipment bosses. FMW
All patrols and leaders made it in without getting too lost. We got a few points towards the 100 degree below patch (disputed by SF). The food was done well by the patrols and JB & DS cooked a little back-up for everyone. JT talked his brother into showing up, who then had to tell the story for the campfire (that will teach him). We all got spoiled by the 65 degree weather for January. You couldn’t ask for a better camp out.
We need your help. Please send any addresses of any former 80 scouts and leaders that you might remember to Eric Wolfram at ANB Plaza II, Suite 1060, Amarillo, Tx 79101-2445 or email “wlfpc@arn.net”. We also request donations or the loan of old scout stuff for the museum.
24 of our scouts received training at Camp Don to help build their leadership skills. Everyone worked hard and many thanks to Jim Thompson and his staff for getting the program ready. If EW weren’t such a wimp, he would have scored some degree points.
Pizza Hot Dish
2 pkg Crescent rolls
8 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 jar Pizza Sauce
8 oz Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1-1/2 lb Ground Beef
Brown ground beef, drain. Line Dutch oven with 1 pkg of crescent rolls. Spread pizza sauce on dough. Add browned beef, the cheeses and use second pkg of rolls to form a top crust. Bake 30 min. at 350
What is it and why should you be a member? The OA is the “Fraternity of Honor Campers” in the BSA. To be a member, you need to have gone camping 15 days and nights of which 6 must be at a Council Camp, be a First Class scout, nominated by SM Eric Wolfram, and voted on by the troop. They do several cool things during the year, like a day at WTAMU. They also help maintain the camps during the year. Elections will be held in March. Want to know more? Ask a member that wears a special patch on their right pocket flap.
A1 Crow 2155
B1 Apache 1787
D2 Sioux 1773
B2 Mohicans 1426
D3 Maya 1321
A2 Aztec 900
C2 Mohawk 831
C3 Arapaho 816
F1 Navaho 950
E1 Ute 850
E2 Wichita 375
Crow 24
Aztec 10
Apache 10
Erie 10
Arapaho 7
Mohawk 5
Maya 0
Mohican 0
The cost of being a scout is cheap compared to most activities. For only $25 you get a full year of the best program around and a year of Boys Life magazine to boot. Who could ask for more?. The yearly recharter will need to be payable by the end of February. Stay current and pay your dues on time. Would you believe that we still have people that have not paid their 1998 dues? No pay - no badges! Go figure :-)
We need some help. Dads are needed to help with Boards of Review on Tuesday nights. If you are interested, contact Eric Wolfram. We also need parents to open up the building and meet visiting units on their way to Philmont. You would collect the rent and sell a few items like patches from the trading post.
Terry Slade handles the reservations for the building and will be happy to let you know what to do for these units and when they will be arriving. Your assistance in these matters is greatly appreciated.
The 80 chefs did it again. While the troop was at Chicken Creek, Terry Slade, Paul Kiefer, and Michael Slade cooked 6 meals for 400 scouts and leaders at the annual Merit Badge camp held by the Council at Camp Don. Four of our scouts earned 15 merit badges and Paul Henning stepped in as their leader for the weekend. The rockets flew and the weather was great.
If plans go the way we hope; the June Father/Son camp may be a rafting trip to Salida, Colorado and a wet time on the Arkansas River. The cost for this trip will be $45.00 per person. You can make payments now or pay for the whole thing at once. We even canceled the May camp out to help stretch your camping dollars. All scouts are encouraged to attend, whether their adult male role model can go or not.
Did you know that the national average of all scouts joining that received the “Eagle” was up last year? WOW! Instead of only 2%, scouting had a whopping 4% receive their Eagle. Only 4 out of 100 scouts made the final step and earned the Eagle and even fewer earn an Eagle Palm. Troop 80 is well above the national average and we are proud of our Boy Scouts.
New exhibits at the Poppe Scout Museum include Woodbadge, Jack Bryant, and the National Jamboree. Carl Johnson is finishing up a new display case and David Thurston is working on the next. Expect to see an “Eagle” collection from Terry Slade soon and we are looking for back issues of Boys Life and other scouting magazines. Check out the displays of scout memorabilia at the Scout Center on Tascosa Road.
Matt is needing pictures of 80 campouts and other 80 events for the WEB page. Your patrol can do a page and earn points depending on the work done and the final look.
It wouldn’t be an 80 campout if we didn’t forget something now would it? Jim helped Matt get the kitchen running and the trip into Mora helped, too. What do you need soap, salt, or creamer for anyways? The stew was great now that it had potatoes and carrots!! We received 59 big points towards the 100 degree patch as it got down to 4 on Friday night and 2 on Saturday. There wasn’t much snow as it was more like a mud hole throughout most of the camp and the sledders had it the worst. They missed the trees, but not the parking lot.
The Ventures snow-shoed up the Sipapu ski hills and hiked back to the camp site. They estimated it at between 6 - 8 miles.
Haynes/Caprock Canyon March 26 - 28
Sneed Ranch April 23 - 25
Troop “Lock-in” May 7 - 8
F/S rafting trip June 4 - 6
Advancement camp June 20 - 26
Wilderness camp July 17 - 24
What You Are Is As Important As What You Do
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf. He walked up to the fellow at the ticket counter and said, "How much is it to play a round?"
The young man replied, "$3.00 for you and $3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them in free if they are six or younger. How old are your two boys?"
Bobby replied, "The future lawyer's three and the future doctor is seven. So I guess I owe you $6.00."
The man at the ticket counter said, "Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something? You could have saved yourself three bucks. You could have told me that the older one was six and I wouldn't have known the difference." Bobby replied, "Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference."
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." In challenging times when ethics are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with. By Patricia Fripp from Chicken Soup for the Soul
Copyright 1993 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
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