Pecos Wilderness 2007

September 7-9


Unofficial Summary from Mr. Walker:

We had a great trip up and back.  This was one of the few recent Pecos trips without a vehicle issue.  We got in 30 minutes later than expected due to Mr. Rowland and Mr. Spencer taking us on a mountain trek at midnight until we ran out of road.  The hike up the hill was pretty tough on the newbies but everyone made it.  Mr. Dryden was heard yelling all the way to Santa Fe trying to get Garrett Payne up the hill.  Tony Burt held an impromptu auction of all his hiking gear at the top to lighten his load for the return trip.  Mr. Spencer was seen sitting on the trail after the first mile giving away his Dr. Peppers and packs of frozen food dinners.  David and Josh Johnson joined us from Houston and discovered that Houston air does not feel the same as air at 10,000 feet.  Overall a great trip and beautiful weather and scenery for us.



Cowles Campground – we scared the locals


Mr. Spencer is finally out of bed.

Young hikers on their way



Heading up the hill.  Spencer is behind us distributing his 12-pack of Dr Pepper.


Lost in the enchanted forest


Great view from halfway up


Enevoldsen and Watson in their usual position


Hamrick and Paslay showing off newbie skills


A face only a mother could love


Watson causing problems


We found a stream Mr. Walker!  We might not die after all.


And up from the ground came a bubbling crude……

Lower Lake just below camp


Rowland and Walker’s solo tents

David Johnson’s digs

Stewart Lake – just above our campsite


Mr. Sharp and Mr. Burt after a really long hike

Garrett Payne looks well rested after lying down on the trail during the hike

Mr. Dryden can’t stand up straight



Campfire time


Gwinn and fearless leader Morris



Sam Darnell has had enough for the day

Our fearless Scoutmaster takes his 100th water break of the weekend – a new record!

David Johnson without arms


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